Dear Members,
Please note the following important dates and information:
Please note the following important dates and information:
1 AGM This will take place at the Crossroads Christian Centre in Homer Lane on Friday 27th February at 7.30pm. There will be wine and nibbles and the meeting will be followed by a quiz.
Please note that membership subscriptions will be due. As notified at last year’s AGM the payment will be £7.50 for individuals and £15 for families. There will also be a raffle. Please bring a prize if you can, be it a spare bottle or box of chocolates that has survived Christmas or any Christmas present that is surplus to requirements.
2 Axminster Twinning Association have invited us to an event they are organising in March, as follows: a social evening with a skittles tournament and a finger buffet, from 7pm on 16th March 2009 at the Harbour Inn in Axmouth. The cost will be between £9 and £10 per person. If you would like to join in what promises to be a very enjoyable evening you can sign up for it at our own AGM on 27th February.
3 Fundraising: as ever, with the visit of our French friends due next August ( Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd) the need for fundraising activities becomes more urgent. We are always looking for fresh ideas for fundraising (and funraising) and for new people to get involved with activities. If you have any ideas please bring them to the AGM. Also if anyone feels they have anything to offer in terms of committee membership please come forward.
We are very pleased to announce that the Carnival Committee has generously given us the sum of £100. This is a very welcome boost to our funds, but there is much still to do.
4 CHRISTAS SOCIAL: As usual this will take place in January, when all of us have a little more time than in the pre-Christmas rush. This will be at the King’s Arms in Seaton, on January 16th at 7.30pm. The cost will be £10 per person. This is less than a month from now, so we really do need you to BOOK STRAIGHT AWAY PLEASE. Bookings with payment should be made to the Treasurer, Avis Hilder at the above address. Cheques should be made payable to Seaton and District Twinning Association.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Please note that membership subscriptions will be due. As notified at last year’s AGM the payment will be £7.50 for individuals and £15 for families. There will also be a raffle. Please bring a prize if you can, be it a spare bottle or box of chocolates that has survived Christmas or any Christmas present that is surplus to requirements.
2 Axminster Twinning Association have invited us to an event they are organising in March, as follows: a social evening with a skittles tournament and a finger buffet, from 7pm on 16th March 2009 at the Harbour Inn in Axmouth. The cost will be between £9 and £10 per person. If you would like to join in what promises to be a very enjoyable evening you can sign up for it at our own AGM on 27th February.
3 Fundraising: as ever, with the visit of our French friends due next August ( Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd) the need for fundraising activities becomes more urgent. We are always looking for fresh ideas for fundraising (and funraising) and for new people to get involved with activities. If you have any ideas please bring them to the AGM. Also if anyone feels they have anything to offer in terms of committee membership please come forward.
We are very pleased to announce that the Carnival Committee has generously given us the sum of £100. This is a very welcome boost to our funds, but there is much still to do.
4 CHRISTAS SOCIAL: As usual this will take place in January, when all of us have a little more time than in the pre-Christmas rush. This will be at the King’s Arms in Seaton, on January 16th at 7.30pm. The cost will be £10 per person. This is less than a month from now, so we really do need you to BOOK STRAIGHT AWAY PLEASE. Bookings with payment should be made to the Treasurer, Avis Hilder at the above address. Cheques should be made payable to Seaton and District Twinning Association.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!