Greetings everyone
Just a quick update to let you all know what is going on and hopefully you will come back to me with your opinions etc.
Firstly and most importantly the date for the visit to Thury next year has been set for Friday 8th June until Monday 11th June. It would be nice to get as many across as possible.
We will be running a tombola stall in the Town Hall on Sunday the 27th November.
Mavis and Tess have control of this one and are running a bottle stall. We would be grateful for any contributions which can either be taken to the Hall by 09:30 on the day, or to Janet at Panic Design in Marine Place. If you feel like assisting as well please give Mavis a ring as I’m sure she will be glad of your help.
The Grizzly next year will be on the 11th of March. As this is such a good earner for us the Committee has decided that this time will we be marshalling two points so we would like up to 12 volunteers please. Names to me at this stage please.
Various locations are being sounded out re our Christmas dinner, watch this space for a date in January, space will be tight so I’m afraid it will be first come, first served.
Doug and Shiona Rudge came up the idea of running French lessons. The Committee have taken this on board and think that it would work best if the more expert speakers
Doug and Shiona Rudge came up the idea of running French lessons. The Committee have taken this on board and think that it would work best if the more expert speakers among the members are willing to oversee the rest of the not so fluent. We think that we might meet once a month in a pub at 7:30 p.m. and speak French on a pre-determined topic for an hour. For a small charge the pub is willing to do some refreshments. Expressions of interest either as a tutor or student to me please.
Finally, the date for the AGM is set as Friday 24th February. I understand that The Chair and Treasurer are willing to stand again as are most of the Committee. If, however you would like to volunteer your services names to me please ASAP. If thereare more nominations than places we will have to have an election!