Our Secretary, Glyn Roberts writes:-
Greetings Everyone This brief newsletter is to bring everyone up to speed with the events of Fridays AGM and developments since then. I had a change of circumstances and was able to stand as Secretary and was duly elected. Shiona Rudge was elected Treasurer and Ken Beer was elected to the Committee. Irene Harrison was re-elected as Chair but has since resigned. We thank her for service. We need a new Chair which must come from the Committee. So far I have one nomination for the Committee, Clare Jones. If anyone wishes to stand for the Committee please nominated and seconded names to me by next Monday, 5th March. We need one more name for marshalling the Grizzly please volunteers names to me please. Names also needed for our trip to Thury ASAP, plus any membership fees due please. At the United Reformed Church on Weds 1st March at the United Reformed Church, Cross St. Seaton there is a meeting re saving St Clare’s. Names are needed to sign the petition so as we use the building it would be good if members could get along and add their names. 7:30 p.m. start time.