Saturday, 30 June 2012

Future Events

Newsletter from Glyn

We will be holding a get together to discuss the trip and just generally next year's visit and possible fund raising ideas. This will be in the upstairs room at the Town Hall Wednesday 11th July at 7:30 p.m.
Please bring a plate of something savoury to nibble/share and anything sweet if that is what you enjoy.
There is limited car parking behind the Town Hall and I’m afraid it will be a case of first come, first served.
 There are also 2 fund raising events we are looking to take part in.
 Firstly, 4th August on the seafront, Devon Air Ambulance are holding a street fair and we will be running a raffle. Prizes and offers of help please.
 Secondly, 27th August is the Carnival Street fair. That will be a Tombola stall and again prizes and offers of help wanted please.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Visit to Thury 2012 - Photos

A report on our visit to Thury-Harcourt will follow. The object of this post is tell everyone that a new album of 45 photos of our visit has been uploaded. The link is on the right. These were taken by just two of our members and therefore fail to give a balanced view. We need more. If anyone has photos that they would like to see in the album, please talk to Clare Jones or any other member of the committee.

New Photo Album