Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Sad News of Dede Jeandenand

We have some very sad news from Thury-Harcourt. Dede Jeandenand who has played a major role in the Twinning over many years died on 26th March following an accident while cycling on the voie verte cycleway north of Thury. The email received from Nathalie, the president of the Thury Twinning Association on 26th March stated

Today (26th) a very old friend from the twinning died : Our dear Dédé Jeandenand. On Tuesday, March 17th, he made a bike ride on the greenway (a secure channel), We don't know why he fell. Some people rang for rescue and he was taken to hospital in a coma. The news were not good and he left us today. We will miss him very much. I relied a lot on him. He was a man of great generosity.
Those of us in Seaton will remember him as the man with ceaseless energy who marshalled all our outings in France and still found time to take the cyclists among us on rides during our visits. The photo shows Dede during the expedition along the greenway he organized for us on our last visit in 2014 together with twinners Rob Watson and Roger Mawson.

The funeral was held in Thury on 30th March. Rob Watson who shared his passion for cycling and  who he stayed with in 2013, and who stayed with him last year attended the funeral, as did Clare and Graham Jones on behalf of the twinning association. A floral tribute on behalf of the association was given as were cards and condolences of individual members.
All of us in Seaton send our heartfelt condolences to Dede's wife and family and to all our friends in Thury-Harcourt who will miss him..

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Next Committee Meeting

The next committee meeting is on Wednesday the 25th of March, at 7.30pm, at The Eyre Court Hotel Function Room. Could committee members please let Sharon or Glyn know if they will not be available.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

A message from the outgoing Chairman - Clare Jones

Clare stood down after three very successful years in order to spend more time with her family and friends.Her final letter to the Association reads
Dear All

I just want to thank all members for the grand turnout for the AGM and the Auction of Promises. Thank you for all the generous bids and purchases. I think it was a lot more fun than we all expected, thanks to Kevin's expertise and his entertaining style. The evening raised between £400 and £500, an excellent result.

Thank you for your friendship and support during my term as chair. It has been a rewarding and enriching experience.
Heartfelt thanks also to the brave souls who marshalled the Grizzly on behalf of the Twinning, up in the fields above Branscombe and under rain and hail.
Best wishes
We are back!
Technical problems have meant that it has been a long time since the site has been updated. Hopefully we are now back on track, and over the next few weeks we will be able to begin make the necessary updates. Not least of these are the changes to the Committee  that some people may have already read about in the press. The changes are:-

Chairman - Sharon Bruce (above)
Treasurer - Ken Beer
Secretary - Glyn Roberts
Vice Cairman - Graham Jones
Press Officer - Post Vacant