Thursday, 18 September 2008

"Holy Relics"

Between the start of the exchange in 1982 and the 25th anniversary in 2007, both Seaton and our Association have received a number of gifts and other commemorative items from our friends in Thury. Some of these now lie in odd corners half-forgotten except by their guardians. For this reason some attempt has been made to catalogue everything. So far, the list is confined to items in the town hall, Seaton museum and Cliff Field Gardens, namely:
Football trophy, enamelled glass plate, and pottery vase in the museum
Twinning charter and framed picture of Thury-Harcourt in the town hall (upstairs landing), and
Park bench with brass plate in Cliff Field Gardens adjacent to the boules pitch
Photos of all these items have been added to this site and can be found by following the link which has been added to the list on the right under the title "Catalogue of commemorative items".

If anyone is aware of any other item not listed, could they let the committee know please. Equally if anyone from our 2007 visit has a commemorative coaster presented at they are willing to donate for display in the museum, could they do likewise.


Anonymous said...

I note that the picture of the glass plate also showed a magnum of calvados. Where is it?

Anonymous said...

It would be a nice story if I were to claim the Chairman and Deputy felt it was their duty to taste it to ensure it was fit for human comsumption, and being zealous and dutiful souls swore not falter in their task until both were in agreement as to its worth. Unfortunately, this agreement was only reached as the last drops were squeezed from the bottle. Sadly, the truth is less heroic. It was consumed by all at the Christmas Social in January 2008