Saturday, 4 May 2013

The Coffee Morning proves a great success.

The Coffee Morning proved to be a great success raising over £97 for our funds. More importantly perhaps it proved to be a splendid opportunity for members and indeed non-members to meet and chat. Whereas previously the coffee mornings have proved to involve mainly members, on this one we managed to attract more members of the public (including Seaton's mayor). Perhaps this was through better publicity, but more probably through a truly sumptuous display of cakes. Several people have suggested we do more similar events. A special thanks to everyone who helped whether through baking or serving or simply turning out in support. 

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Coffee Morning 4th May

Just a note to  remind everyone of the coffee morning at the upstairs cafe of the Town Hall this Saturday between 10 and 12 when there will be the usual delicious selection of coffee, tea and cakes available as well as an opportunity to meet friends.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Reworked Logo

One of the unexpected benefits of the work done on the sign for Thury-Harcourt Place was that EDDC reworked our logo for us, and have given us copies for our own use. The reworked logo is shown above.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Thury-Harcourt Place Name Board Erected

The interpretation board at Thury-Harcourt Place was erected on Tuesday 19th March, and has already generated a lot of interest.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Facebook Developments

A lot of news. The report of the AGM will appear in the next week or so, but meanwhile news of Facebook. After a vote at the AGM it was decided to attempt to start up a Facebook page for the Twinning Association. It will not replace this one, however the Committee is looking at how our web presence can be improved for our members and friends. The first posting on facebook was made today and consists of a small photo album of the stalwarts who braved the snow, sleet, mud and cold to marshal the Grizzly on behalf of our Association. Their  efforts earn us substantial financial boost so Thank You everyone! The photograph shows our Chairman Clare, and Beeca Mawson.after the finish. The other equally photogenic marshals photographed before the start can be found on Facebook.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Monday, 18 February 2013

AGM Friday

A reminder that the AGM is this Friday at 7.30pm at the Crossroad Christian Centre. Hope to see everyone there. Members, friends, and anyone interested in the Association

Monday, 4 February 2013

Marshalling the Grizzly Run 10th March - Help Needed

The Twinning Association has contributed a team of six marshals for the Grizzly over the last few years, and since the organizers pay us, our involvement has provided a dependable and much needed source of funding for the Association. This year a number of regulars have had to drop out and we desperately need to find at least 3 replacements. Can anyone offer their services. It means standing for 150 minutes or so (with breaks) by the side of the route directing runners. If you can help please contact our chairman Clare Jones or speak to any committee member as soon as possible. This may be the last Grizzly, so it may also be your last opportunity to play a part in what has become one of the foremost running events in the country. You will also  get your free T shirt to prove it..

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Annual General Meeting 22nd February

The AGM will be held at the Crossroad Christian Centre at 7.30 pm on Friday 22nd February. It is hoped that as many members as possible will be present for this important event. Agenda items include election of all the committee including officers, changes to the constitution and membership subscriptions, a review of a the last year, an outline of the next and also your chance to let your views and ideas be known. There will be suggestion box for those who prefer to put their ideas on paper, (this itself a result of a suggestion by one of our newer members). It will not be all business however, there will also be the usual refreshments, a raffle, and a quiz based on popular films and TV programs. Please try and be there!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Thury-Harcourt Place

Good news about the Public Consultation on the naming of the public realm that took place before Christmas. Many members have worked very hard on this topic, not only those on the committee, but also many others who turned out to lobby and to man the stalls, and although it is not over yet, things are looking good for a naming ceremony when our visitors come in July. In the end, some 80% of responses approved of either the french "Place Thury-Harcourt" or the anglicized "Thury-Harcourt Place" with a small majority for the English form. Accordingly on Monday 14th January, Seaton Town Council voted unanimously to go ahead with the name Thury-Harcourt Place. It has to be approved by the District Council, but this should be a formality. Many thanks for everyone who worked so hard to achieve this. We had to go through a lot of bureaucracy to get the result, so well done everybody. A special thanks also to the previous Secretary Glyn Roberts who did a lot of the legwork in the early days.

Christmas Dinner 19 January 2013

Thirty members attended the Association's Christmas Dinner at the King's Arms in Seaton on a Saturday 19 January. It was an opportunity to socialize, plan and generally get together. As usual we had a well supported raffle which produced a welcome contribution to our funds. (photo) Thanks for everyone who worked to make it such a memorable evening.