Monday, 4 February 2013

Marshalling the Grizzly Run 10th March - Help Needed

The Twinning Association has contributed a team of six marshals for the Grizzly over the last few years, and since the organizers pay us, our involvement has provided a dependable and much needed source of funding for the Association. This year a number of regulars have had to drop out and we desperately need to find at least 3 replacements. Can anyone offer their services. It means standing for 150 minutes or so (with breaks) by the side of the route directing runners. If you can help please contact our chairman Clare Jones or speak to any committee member as soon as possible. This may be the last Grizzly, so it may also be your last opportunity to play a part in what has become one of the foremost running events in the country. You will also  get your free T shirt to prove it..

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