Gerry laid on a added treat to the walk along part of the landslip during the first walk of the season. Twinning Association member and local historian Derek Stevens was there to regale the group with sparkling stories and anecdotes of the war years and other times, all delivered in broad dialect.
Many people will know Derek from his regular "The view from the country" column in the Marshwood Vale magazine, and the stories certainly added piquancy to the walk. It was not that difficult after his vivid descriptions to imagine marauding Focke-Wulfs skimming over cornfields or the deafening roar of massed Lancasters passing overhead at 50ft. Afterwards the party was joined by Gail and enjoyed a pleasant drink at the Harbour Inn at Axmouth.
Many people will know Derek from his regular "The view from the country" column in the Marshwood Vale magazine, and the stories certainly added piquancy to the walk. It was not that difficult after his vivid descriptions to imagine marauding Focke-Wulfs skimming over cornfields or the deafening roar of massed Lancasters passing overhead at 50ft. Afterwards the party was joined by Gail and enjoyed a pleasant drink at the Harbour Inn at Axmouth.
No date is fixed for the next walk, but watch this space
photos Derek describes the Lancaster raid, and then on the landslip
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